About Me

Hello Beautiful

My name is Hasnae and I am a professional healer. I am sure you know someone in your life that always seems to attract high-value friendships, opportunities, and romantic relationships simply by doing nothing but be herself? I am here to help you to become that woman, who invites magic into her life.

Feminine power is silent, dark, mysterious, healing, nurturing. A woman can walk into a room and control it if she knows where her power is.

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My Mission

If you are at the stage of wanting to kick-start your level-up journey or progress further and feel like you could use some guidance, then look no further. My mission is to make your external reality as beautiful as your personal vision.  I promise that you’ll love every moment of it!


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Never give up too early, great things take time. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Have patience and allow magic to happen in your life. I dedicated years to learning and establishing my goals to help me achieve my dream self and lifestyle. And I want the same for you.


My Way

The Dark Femme never takes no for an answer. Your ambition is your greatest power, start thriving now ! 

Heal your feminine energy

Be vulnerable and allow your dark shadows to feel loved and cuddled. I used to struggle with my work and life balance, did not have time for myself and building healthy relationships.

Establishing your goals

I dedicated years to learning and establishing my goals to help me achieve my dream self and lifestyle. The first step was to understand myself and my true dreams.


Transformation process was not easy and a quick process. I spent months healing in hermit mode, fixing my crown to move forward to a better reality. The result was magical and I am now living my dream life.

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Hello Beautiful

 I dedicated years to learning and establishing my goals to help me achieve my dream self and lifestyle. And I want the same for you.